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Homemade Chocolate Dessert Recipe Essentials

Bohemian French toast chocolate sandwiches

Jan 18, 2021

Bohemian French toast chocolate sandwiches

I am sitting on the pavement outside the Café de la Paix in a pleasant tumult of people recounting to one another all sorts of important things. In the background, Dalida is singing a duet with Alain Delon about toffee and candies and chocolate and I imagine them walking in, taking a seat in the corner, drinking a glass of red, and whispering to one another all sorts of things so beautifully unimportant.

Jan 18, 2021

Contentious chocolate chip cookies

When the devil’s craving for fresh cookies crawls up the tiny veins in your head, don’t ever listen to your inner advocate, who gives an inspiring speech on “self-control and the cookie jar.” Just give in and behave like all the great achievements of humankind have been fulfilled: go for it all the way... enjoy!

Jan 18, 2021

High school bonfire chocolate melting heart cake

Chocolate: A Love Story, 56 Chocolate Therapy: Comforting Pastries 57
Intimate scones

Jan 18, 2021

Intimate scones

Through the window of our café, I watch as you heap butter and jam and fresh cream onto a golden pastry just the way we liked it. You serve it to his mouth and prove to me once again that romanticism is the mass market product of intimacy.
Control freak chocolate spread

Jan 18, 2021

Control freak chocolate spread

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present the precise structure of the chronicle of lust: in the middle of the night, returning from a party and swearing a thousand times that it’s just a touch, simply to feel, on the tip of the tongue, only once, and then giving in, full of longing, and disappointing yourself and deciding, without wavering or doubt, that now the technique for abstaining is absolutely clear—there will be no more next time, and I mean it for real.

Jan 18, 2021

Veg-out chocolate cornflakes TV wraps

with lazy Brazil nuts and coconut chocolate sofa dipping sauces.   Ingredients Wraps 5 crêpes (see page 000) 1 1/2 cu...
My one and only cocoa Crêpe Suzette

Jan 18, 2021

My one and only cocoa Crêpe Suzette

The breeze on the balcony touches his face gently. He is playing a slow tune on the violin. It’s such a beautiful night. Through the tears that fill his eyes the flames are breaking into thousands of sparkling colors. Quietly he comforts himself and whispers: “You are not going to be mine, Rome, but you won’t belong to anyone else.”
Intimate Hungarian crêpes

Jan 18, 2021

Intimate Hungarian crêpes

Shortly after it grows dark, I enter our secret place and sit in the corner, the spot that moves only us. Everyone comes to taste the famed creˆpes of the Hungarian café that was once known only to us and is now full to capacity. I smile a tiny, pensive smile to myself: not one of these countless people will ever experience its true taste, the intimate taste created by you and me.
Dreamy warm Danish

Jan 18, 2021

Dreamy warm Danish

Only now, as the bulldozers raze the old confectionery, has the smell of cinnamon—no longer rising in the chimney—changed within our memory to the magical reality that we always wanted it to be.

Jan 18, 2021

Banana split

The twenties, the forties, the eighties... welcome to the retro shop. You’ll find on the shelf an instant personality formula look. Prêt à pretend. Choose today’s worst seller: a guarantee to become immediately the number one, the hottest talk of the town.
All-in-one crackling coconut sugar tortilla chips

Jan 18, 2021

All-in-one crackling coconut sugar tortilla chips

with white chocolate and spicy chili milk chocolate guacamole.   Ingredients Chili Milk Chocolate Cream 2 1/2 cups he...
Max and Moritz profiteroles

Jan 18, 2021

Max and Moritz profiteroles

The scent of warm dough mixed with brown caramel. Metal trays overflowing with golden pastries on the wire shelving at the window are winking to you to come in. The bakery is eternal, the baker is ageless. But Max and Moritz are at the counter standing in the queue like everybody else and buying their favorite childhood sweet, exactly like we always wanted them to be.

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