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Homemade Chocolate Dessert Recipe Essentials

white chocolate truffles

Jan 18, 2021

Painful white chocolate truffles

Now he is standing, his arms crossed, in his unique shop—his dream’s reality. He hopes with all his heart that the next customer to enter will also not purchase a thing, and will never understand his creation, and will provide him with a feeling of embittered arrogance, the sole and absolutely addictive pleasure that he is left with.

Jan 18, 2021

Enticing sugar churros

A curvaceous Spanish woman with white skin and flowing black hair reminds me each time to forget that lust is fleeting and love is eternal.
chocolate cherry pie

Jan 18, 2021

Mon chéri chocolate cherry pie

My dear, now that I am yours, I know that you will once again truly love me only in your memories. Mon chéri, maintenant que je t’appartiens, je sais que tu m’aimeras vraiment de nouveau seulement dans tes souvenirs.
Sweet spaghetti

Jan 18, 2021

Meaningless sweet spaghetti

A hot chocolate sauce made sometime earlier was spilled into the pedigreed chef’s bowl of spaghetti. Now he must explain this stroke of good luck; no doubt his mixture of scrambled words will be crowned “genius” with verve and pluck!
meringue kisses

Jan 18, 2021

Innocent meringue kisses

When I was five, I fell in love with Snow White. Twenty years later I was living in Paris. Then, for the first time in my life, I met her. She came for only an hour. We lit candles and I put on the music I always wanted to listen to with her. She didn’t say a word, but in her beautiful silent way she made me understand that my legendary love will work its magic with any other ordinary girl in the world.
punch banana ice cream

Jan 18, 2021

Unforgettable punch banana ice cream

A small boy in an ice cream parlor faced with the endless variety of flavors and aromas must select only one and remember forever and ever the wondrous taste of the flavor he did not choose, the relentlessly nagging taste of an opportunity you lose.
candied orange peel - Max Brenner | USA

Jan 18, 2021

Unfulfilled candied orange peel

In Grandmother’s brown wooden cupboard there is a porcelain bonbon dish. On occasion, Grandmother goes to the cupboard, removes it with great ceremony, turns it in her hands, and weighs the possibilities; as always, she decides that once again this is not a good enough reason to use the bonbon dish, which is growing old with disuse, slowly losing its role as the subjective expectation that has never been fulfilled.
Toffee apple

Jan 18, 2021

A forever toffee apple

I will always remember this one beautiful sunny day in the amusement park. I was ten. I asked Dad to give me some money and bought a red toffee apple for the girl who was constantly playing on the white seesaw. Thirty years have passed and I still can’t forget her, because when she gave the apple to “Spider” Tom I understood forever that true eternal love is (all) the things I cannot obtain.
White chocolate malabi

Jan 18, 2021

Overwhelming Oriental white chocolate malabi

Strong flavors, bold scents, and you across from me with bright red lipstick and endless décolletage all prove to me once again that simplicity is the true ingenuity of the senses.
Cherry soup

Jan 18, 2021

Controversial cherry soup

People always tell me that the most important thing in life is knowing how to enjoy the path. But for me, the only truly tasty morsel is the cherry on the icing of the cake.
Kinky Pavlova - Max Brenner | USA

Jan 18, 2021

Kinky Pavlova

Always, at the end, you would feed me strawberries and cream. That was your fetish. Truth is, we had nothing in common but outstanding lovemaking and lots of the most tender feelings and mutual understanding, and love, so much love. We never talked about anything. Truth is, we had nothing in common but outstanding lovemaking.
white chocolate panna cotta

Jan 18, 2021

Pretentious white chocolate panna cotta

After searching extensively, this week I acquired a pet chef for myself, the kind that no one else has. He is mine and only mine, unknown, and he prepares delicate creams with rare spices and rare chocolate mixed with rare champagne. Now, with this new find secreted away in my possession, I can at long last proclaim and define myself clearly: there is no one else like me on the face of the earth, I love me so dearly!

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